Tuesday, February 8, 2011


First we met as a group and went through the items we had brought for this assignment in a secret location in the Rowe building. The items were displayed and stories accompanying each item were given. These items included:

Rob: Camera, Car keys , and Headphones (music)

Tom: Suitcase, assortment of journals/sketchbooks, two stuffed animals, photos, copper head snake head in a jar, father surgery chest wires in a jar, certificates, Christmas ornament, and god daughter memorabilia.

Der: Notebook Computer, her first monumental purchase.

After some discussion we went out on campus and made installations with our items. As a group under Rob’s direction we each chose an item that we felt was the visually and conceptually strongest. Rob’s item was his camera. He felt that not only was it aesthetically pleasing it also represented his main creative outlet and a force that has shaped his life. Der went with her Notebook. She chose to only bring one item because the notebook is not only the single most valuable item that she owns it has become almost a part of her persona. Tom was told to use his suitcase, there was some dissent as to whether it should be depicted open or closed, and after some debate we decided to let Tom have his way and show the suitcase closed. Even though the rest of the group felt the suitcase open was one item, we eventually decided that it was more powerful visually if it was closed.

We toured the campus. After choosing nine sites we took photos of each of our items in three sites. Although we have over 4 photos for each setting these are the photos we feel are both the most visually pleasing and convey how the items changed the nature of, or enhanced the setting.





  1. This group did a fantastic job, i really like how the photos turned out!

  2. hahaha Rob, you need to have better blog etiquette.
